The Equinoxe approach to hospitality in La Manche

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

Shaped by the forces of nature, La Manche is more than just a peninsula; it’s a captivating, ever-changing territory that commands respect and leaves a lasting impression on all visitors.The people of La Manche have long understood that to maintain this magnetic appeal, it must be supported by specific behaviours that respect the balance of the territory, its places and its customs.

La Manche offers a hospitality model, “Equinoxe”, that goes beyond conventional practices, and embodies a deep commitment to sharing and understanding the territory while fostering mutual respect.

Specifically, it means living in tune with the seasons, caring for the dunes, fostering connections with local people and respecting the spirit of the place.

All tourism professionals who wish to can participate in this initiative.

Adopting the “Equinoxe” approach means fully engaging with the local culture and promoting more responsible tourism.

  • It fosters a harmonious relationship between visitors, local people and the environment
  • encouraging visitors to leave a positive impact
  • Additionally, it highlights efforts to protect biodiversity, support the people of La Manche and strengthen the local economy

Our treasures in La Manche – whether natural, architectural, cultural, tangible or intangible – are fragile and threatened by both human activity and natural forces. To ensure that the magnetic appeal of our territory endures, attracting those who seek not just a destination but a deep experience of belonging and sharing, we must protect it, minimise our impact, and strike a balance that will leave everyone with lasting memories.

Equinoxe approach


Attitude Manche

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