Culture , Heritage 1 day

The Val de Saire: picturesque and authentic

20 people Leisure

From William the Conqueror to major naval battles, the maritime history of the Val de Saire is among the richest in the country.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

From William the Conqueror to major naval battles, the maritime history of the Val de Saire is among the richest in the country.

Proposé par Cotentin Tourist Office


  • the Vauban towers listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • the amphibious boat ride
  • the peace and tranquillity

The gems of the Val de Saire


Embarquement pour Tatihou

Board an amphibious boat in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue for a trip to Tatihou Island. Once there, enjoy a guided tour of the island, including its gardens, Vauban tower, maritime museum and shipbuilding workshop. A visit with something for all types of groups.

Lunch at the restaurant on the island


Return to SAINT-VAAST-LA-HOUGUE aboard the amphibious boat 

In the early afternoon, choose from one of two visits:

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud
  • Option 1: Guided tour of Barfleur

This historic port, where William the Conqueror set sail for England, was once the main port for Normandy. Today, the town is listed among the most beautiful villages in France.

  • Option 2: a guided tour of the oyster farms in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.

(depending on tides)

À propos

Cotentin Tourist Office

Lucile is the main contact for French and international leisure B2B, while Christelle is the main contact for all MICE activities. This commercial service for groups handles all tailored requests and will advise you on organising your trips and travel packages.


56 quai Caligny 50100 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin Nous appeler Nous écrire