Gastronomy , Seaside 1 day

Tour and tasting on the coast of la Manche

Côte Ouest Centre Manche
20 people Leisure

At high tide or low, this day by the sea is the opportunity for groups to savour our seafood specialties, including salmon and oysters, complemented by a delicious white wine.

Photo, © David Daguier

At high tide or low, this day by the sea is the opportunity for groups to savour our seafood specialties, including salmon and oysters, complemented by a delicious white wine.

Proposé par Réceptif Ouest

You’ll love

  • The artisan salmon smokehouse
  • A unique ride in a "tractocar"
  • The knowledgeable guide

Everything you need to know about seafood products


Guided tour of a salmon smokehouse in Granville

Where fish is artisan smoked, filleted, and salted, then sliced by hand. Discover the traditional, time-honoured methods of smoking. The tour concludes with a tasting session.

Lunch at a restaurant on the coast


A guided tour of oyster farmer

A guided tour of the seaside resort of Agon-Coutainville, followed by an outing on the foreshore aboard a unique vehicle. This special tractor can tow up to 50 passengers in its trailer, making it a great way to visit the oyster farms (dependent on tides).

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

À propos

Réceptif Ouest

Located in Agon-Coutainville, Hervé Gateau, manager of Réceptif Ouest, offers turnkey stays for groups throughout the department and on the Chausey Islands and Channel Islands.


4b rue Alexis Lemoine 50230 Agon-Coutainville Nous appeler Nous écrire