Culture , Heritage 1 day

From knights to copper in Villedieu

Villedieu Intercom
20 people School

Spending a day in Villedieu-les-Poêles is a fun way to dive into its history with the Knights of Malta and to discover copper craftsmanship by visiting the workshops.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

Spending a day in Villedieu-les-Poêles is a fun way to dive into its history with the Knights of Malta and to discover copper craftsmanship by visiting the workshops.

Proposé par Villedieu Intercom Tourist Office


  • Taking an immersive look at history
  • Encouraging curiosity
  • Discovering the art of copperwork

A day of history and craftsmanship

School day trip

Guided tour “Tell me about Villedieu and its knights”

A walk to discover the history, stories and craftsmanship of this town built 900 years ago by the Knights of Malta.

Lunch break (picnic not included)


Visit to the Copper Workshop

Its fun and educational journey that awaits the students through the various stages of copperwork, including spinning, tinning and hammering, to find out all about this exceptional craftsmanship.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

À propos

Villedieu Intercom Tourist Office

Sandrine assists with the design of programmes in the Villedieu Intercom area. Key attractions of the area, such as the bell foundry, the copper workshop, and the Maison du Patrimoine Sourdin, can thus be easily planned into trips for school and adult groups.


8 Place des Costils 50800 Villedieu-les-poêles-Rouffigny Nous appeler Nous écrire