Heritage , Nature 1 day

Discovering Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie
20 people School

This programme can be adapted according to the age of the school group and to tidal conditions, and entails a day trip to explore Mont Saint-Michel and its bay.

Photo, © David Daguier CD50

This programme can be adapted according to the age of the school group and to tidal conditions, and entails a day trip to explore Mont Saint-Michel and its bay.

Proposé par Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie Tourist Office

Vous allez aimer

  • its adaptability to all school levels
  • the stories and legends about the site
  • the rich wildlife and plant life

A day trip to Mont Saint-Michel

Visiting the village, the abbey and an outing in the bay



Guided tour of the village and abbey of Mont Saint-Michel

Accompanied by a professional guide, the group will explore the history of the ramparts and towers that look out across the bay.

Lunch break (picnic not included)


Outing in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel

A certified guide will explain the tides and quicksand and tell you all about the legends surrounding the site. You’ll also hear about the evolution of the flora and fauna in this unique place.

Photo, © Ophélie Aubry

Note: The outing in the bay depends on the tide times and the order of visits may therefore be adjusted.

À propos

Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie Tourist Office

The Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie local authority has a booking service within its tourist office. This commercial service handles all tailored requests for all types of clients: adult groups, school groups, businesses and individuals.


4 rue du Général Leclerc 50220 Ducey – Les Chéris

www.ot-montsaintmichel.com Nous appeler Nous écrire