Nature , Seaside 1 day

Excursion to the Chausey Islands

Granville Terre et Mer
20 people School

Set sail with your school groups on an adventure to the Chausey Islands! Fishing, geology, understanding the tides: exciting and educational activities in the heart of an exceptional natural setting that will leave a lasting memory.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

Set sail with your school groups on an adventure to the Chausey Islands! Fishing, geology, understanding the tides: exciting and educational activities in the heart of an exceptional natural setting that will leave a lasting memory.

Proposé par Granville Terre et Mer Tourist Office


  • taking the boat
  • observing biodiversity at low tide using nets
  • fostering a different relationship between pupils and teachers

School trip to Chausey from Granville

Organised tour for primary and secondary school groups, from age six.


Departure from Granville to the main island of Chausey on the fast boat. Upon arrival, pupils will participate in the guided activity “On foot between the islets”, where they will observe marine biodiversity at low tide.

Lunch break (picnic not included)


Visit of the main island

A walking tour covering various topics such as geography, geology, history, fauna, flora and human activities on the island.

Snack break and return to Granville at the end of the day.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

À propos

Granville Terre et Mer Tourist Office

Adélaïde shares her knowledge of local tourism and provides free quotes for tourism professionals, associations, groups of friends, large families, businesses and educational institutions.