Parc et Château de Canisy

Parks and gardens
Parc et Château de Canisy
Parks and gardens

Located at Canisy (7 km from Saint-Lô), Canisy Castle is a private property classified as a Historical Monument. A magnificent architectural structure set in a vast park and agricultural domain of 300 hectares, Canisy is one of the "7 Wonders of the Manche". Owned by the same family since the Middle Ages, the castle offers diversity in historical continuity with medieval towers, renaissance wings and romantic English-style park, as well as French-style perspectives...

Pratical informations

  • Restaurant

Equipements, services & comfort elements

  • Accommodation on site
  • Restaurant

Accueil pour les groupes

Type de visites
Visite libre sur demande, Visite guidée en permanence, Visite guidée sur demande, Visite pédagogique sur demande
Durée moyenne
Parking autocar
Parking autocar, Parking autocar à proximité

Access and location


6-8 rue de Kergorlay
50750 CANISY


Parc et Château de Canisy
Parks and gardens