Musée Typographique - Fernand Le Rachinel

Musée Typographique - Fernand Le Rachinel

Located on the outskirts of downtown Saint-Lô, the Museum of Typography "Fernand Le Rachinel" invites you to explore the evolution of printing and art of typography with a floor space of over more than 700m2.

Discover a universe of engineering and culture: From the invention of paper to the first book and learn about the many processes of typography and its evolution throughout the years.

Travel in time to the 15th century, to the workshop of “the father of printing” Johannes Gensfleisch dit Gutenberg, reconstructed to each minute detail to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

Take a moment to sit down in the cinema and discover through archival images, the history of the printing press and the various techniques used in the past by typographers and printers.

typewriters, “bêtes à cornes, the first pedal machine, not to mention the famous line o' type, many rare and interesting pieces await you in the machine room.

Finally, for the highlight of the visit, a display of a unique collection of 250 notary presses

Artisan Printer, voted best worker in France in 1972 and owner of the museum passionate about his profession, do not miss the retrospective of Fernand Le Rachinel's career.

Pratical informations

Equipements, services & comfort elements

  • Toilets


  • Offre de base Minimum Maximum
  • School group rate 4€
  • Rate for adult group

Accueil pour les groupes

Nombre de pers.
from 20 à 40 pers
Type de groupe
Associations, Pensioners, Works committees, Students, Other organised groups, Persons with reduced mobility, Professional, Educational, Sporting, Young-at-heart seniors
Type de visites
Visite guidée sur demande, Visite pédagogique sur demande
Durée moyenne
Parking autocar
Parking autocar

Access and location


562 rue Jules Vallès
ZI La Chevalerie
50000 SAINT-LO


Musée Typographique - Fernand Le Rachinel
Languages :
  • English
Musée Typographique - Fernand Le Rachinel