Musée du Poiré

Musée du Poiré

Things are sparkling new in Normandy-Maine!

An original way to get to know the area
Did you know that the only museum in France dedicated to this iconic, delicious sparkling pear cider is located in southern Normandy between Alençon and Mont Saint-Michel? The museum was recently renovated, and now features new scenography, high-tech exhibits and an orchard trail that is fully accessible!
You'll love the friendly atmosphere and dynamic energy in the museum, where our heritage is conserved and passed on via the collections. The museum participates in the development of the local area and the lives of the residents.

An entertaining and informative visit
At the western entrance to the Normandy-Maine Regional Park, this pear and apple museum has been located in Barenton since 1983, in the buildings of a typical Normandy farm, made of stone, wattle and daub and half-timbered walls.
Visit its amazing collections on cider-making and learn how the uses, products and techniques have changed over the years. With exhibits featuring impressive historical pieces for crushing fruit, including a real traditional press and an apple mill in granite, as well as modern tools and processes, you will see how the industry has evolved.

Stroll the grounds
Everyone will enjoy the 2.5 hectares of meadows that have been preserved on the museum grounds. Come stroll along the orchard trail with family or friends and relax in the peaceful setting featuring over 300 trees, with 46 varieties of pears and 60 varieties of apples. You will recognise many regional varieties planted here, some of which are still grown commercially, while others are rare or endangered. You will see our genetic plant heritage with your very own eyes. The stations lead you through the various growing stages, from flowering to picking, and you will enjoy the wooded areas, the apiary and the rural buildings.

Enjoy local products
By supporting the development of the demanding pear and apple cider-making industry, the museum has become a benchmark for high quality. Come sample the local products! The shop offers a wide selection of local products, as well as a nature-oriented book section, wooden games and regional crafts.

Tourist information and cultural activities
Learn about the events, exhibits and workshops for children and adults, offered year round: live performances, fruit juice workshops, demonstrations of traditional skills, wine tourism... there's something for everyone!

Pratical informations

Equipements, services & comfort elements

  • Covered picnic area
  • Picnic area
  • Baby changing area
  • Outdoor games
  • Toilets

Opening period

  • Lundi Ouvert
  • Mardi Ouvert
  • Mercredi Ouvert
  • Jeudi Ouvert
  • Vendredi Ouvert
  • Samedi Ouvert
  • Dimanche Ouvert

Accueil pour les groupes

Nombre de pers.
from 15 à 80 pers
Type de groupe
Associations, Pensioners, Works committees, Students, Other organised groups, Professional, Educational, Young-at-heart seniors
Type de visites
Visite libre en permanence, Visite guidée sur demande, Visite pédagogique sur demande
Durée moyenne
Parking autocar
Parking autocar sur place, Parking autocar, Parking autocar à proximité

Access and location


La Logeraie


Musée du Poiré
Languages :
  • English
Musée du Poiré