Jardins maritimes de l'île Tatihou

Parks and gardens
Jardins maritimes de l'île Tatihou
Parks and gardens

Site protected by the Conservatoire du Littoral (Coastal protection agency), Tatihou Island offers nature and history lovers a wide choice: three different gardens. The squares and gardens of the lazaret invite visitors to explore the garden of discoveries with its beds of coastal flowers, the botanical garden with its surprising vegetation from the four corners of the globe and its vast maritime garden ideal for strolling around.

Pratical informations

  • Wifi
  • Restaurant
  • Meeting room

Equipements, services & comfort elements

  • Picnic area
  • Bar, cafeteria, tea room
  • Accommodation on site
  • Restaurant
  • Fully equipped meeting room
  • Toilets


  • Offre de base Minimum Maximum
  • Rate for adult group 10.50€

Accueil pour les groupes

Nombre de pers.
from 15 pers.
Type de groupe
Associations, Pensioners, Works committees, Students, Other organised groups, Persons with reduced mobility, Professional, Educational, Sporting, Young-at-heart seniors
Type de visites
Visite libre en permanence, Visite guidée sur demande, Visite pédagogique sur demande
Durée moyenne
Parking autocar
Parking autocar, Parking autocar à proximité

Access and location


BP 3


Jardins maritimes de l'île Tatihou
Languages :
  • English
  • German
Jardins maritimes de l'île Tatihou
Parks and gardens