Jardin botanique de Vauville

Parks and gardens
Jardin botanique de Vauville
Parks and gardens

Hidden on the Normandy peninsula, facing the Channel Islands is the Secret Garden of Vauville. With over 1,000 species of plants from the southern hemisphere the garden covers 10 acres and will take you on a journey to another World.
Secluded glens of exotic plants and palm groves of Trachycarpus will surprise and delight you, pools and streams show case Royal Ferns from Tasmania and Gunneras from Brazil. The aromas of Eucalyptus will transport you to another place.
This oasis of tranquillity owes its existence to the warm
currents of the Gulf Stream and the dedication of the botanist and perfumer Eric Pellerin who laid out the garden in 1948.
His son Guillaume Pellerin and his wife Cléophée de Turckheim designed it as you can see it today. Today, Eric Pellerin and Guillaume de Lestrange continue to care and develop this hidden gem and warmly welcome you during the season.
The Garden offers you guided tours to show off secret glades and rare specimens or the option for you wander at will and enjoy the sights, aromas and bird song at your own speed.
A shop and café set in the grounds will allow you take
refreshments and reflect on the magic of nature.

Pratical informations

Equipements, services & comfort elements

  • Bar, cafeteria, tea room
  • Baby changing area
  • Toilets


  • Offre de base Minimum Maximum
  • Rate for adult group 9€

Accueil pour les groupes

Nombre de pers.
from 15 à 35 pers
Type de groupe
Associations, Pensioners, Works committees, Students, Other organised groups, Professional, Educational, Young-at-heart seniors
Type de visites
Visite libre en permanence, Visite guidée sur demande, Visite pédagogique sur demande
Durée moyenne
Parking autocar
Parking autocar sur place, Parking autocar, Parking autocar à proximité

Access and location


Château de Vauville
1 route du Thôt
50440 LA HAGUE


Jardin botanique de Vauville
Languages :
  • English
  • German
  • Italian
Jardin botanique de Vauville
Parks and gardens