Centre Eugène Godey

Accommodation centre
Centre Eugène Godey
Accommodation centre

The Eugène GODEY Centre is able to accommodate groups of up to 60 people. It has the Jeunesse et Sports et Education Nationale label (Young People, Sport and State Education), which authorises it to take school groups during term time. The facility is also suitable for disabled groups.
There are eight 4-bed rooms, two dormitories with 14 beds, a sick bay, a modular meeting room which can accommodate up to 100 people, a fully equipped kitchen and a refectory.
Prices: Adults €8.44, children €8.17

Pratical informations

  • Parking
  • Wifi

Equipements, services & comfort elements


  • Offre de base Minimum Maximum
  • Night and breakfast (adult) 28.50€
  • Night and breakfast (child) 25€
  • Half board (adult) 39€
  • Half board (child) 36€
  • Full board (adult) 50.50€
  • Full board (child) 47.50€
  • Tourist tax 0.80€
  • Séminaire Minimum Maximum
  • Welcome coffee 6.50€
  • Room hire 110€

Accueil pour les groupes

Nombre de pers.
from 7 à 62 pers
Type de groupe
Parking autocar
Parking autocar, Parking autocar à proximité

Offres de séminaires


  • Superficie 112m2
  • Capacité maximum (nb de personnes) 100
  • En banquet (nb de personnes) OUI
  • En cocktail (nb de personnes) OUI
  • En théatre (nb de personnes) NON
  • Tables en U (nb de personnes) OUI
  • En classe (nb de personnes) OUI
  • Modulable oui

Access and location


  • Near the beach


18 avenue des Douits


Centre Eugène Godey
Accommodation centre
Equipements, services & comfort elements
  • Cable / Satellite
  • Heating
  • Freezer
  • Double glazing
  • Shower
  • Sheets and linen included
  • Oven
  • Kitchenette
  • Own washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Television point
  • Telecom line (internet access inside accommodation)
  • Refrigerator
  • Own tumble dryer
  • Telephone
  • Colour television
  • Separate toilet
  • Wifi
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Children's play area
  • Garden
  • Outdoor games
  • Mini-golf
  • Park
  • Private car park
  • Free private car park
  • Children’s restaurant
  • Lounge
  • Television lounge
  • Self-service
  • Tennis
  • Food shop / food outlet
  • Cyber space / internet connecting point
  • Touristic information
  • Launderette
  • Cleaning / housework
  • Cleaning / housework at end of stay
  • Picnic hampers
  • Meals takeway / ready meals
  • Free WIFI