School trips in La Manche in Normandy

Educational outings for primary and secondary schools
Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

Educational outings in La Manche open a window to history and create lifelong memories! Experience D-Day by following in the footsteps of soldiers at Utah Beach, explore Mont Saint-Michel by walking across the bay, your toes in the sand, or discover the coastline by trying sand yachting or shore fishing. Lots of different activities are available.

In La Manche, your stay can be organised around various educational themes, including science, sustainable development, sport, media, or the arts, among others.

Many sites and museums offer visits and workshops focusing on specific themes, with activities corresponding to all school levels, from nursery to secondary school. Some organisations also have dedicated educational teams that offer their expertise to deliver turnkey services. They provide documents for teachers and pupils to enable them to prepare visits in advance.

Photo, © La Mazure


Collective accommodation approved for school groups and located near educational and leisure sites, offering comfort and convenience after days out exploring the territory.

Accommodation for school groups
Photo, © David Daguier CD50

Tourist sites

A variety of engaging themes to explore through educational visits tailored to every school level, with natural sites and historical museums, complete with educational resources.

Tourist sites for school groups
Photo, © Ophélie Aubry

Leisure sites

La Manche has numerous leisure activities on offer, both outdoors and indoors, and suitable for all ages. These include field observations, sporting activities and guided cultural discoveries available year-round.

Leisure sites for school groups

School trip ideas

Local destination management companies and organisations offer travel packages for all school levels.

Our recommendations for school trips

Photo, © David Daguier CD50