The Saint-Lô Agglo tourist office

History and bocage landscapes
Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

In the heart of La Manche, Saint-Lô and the Vire Valley are full of surprises. In the historic lanes, the memory of the World War II bombings is ever-present. Discover the Haras National (national stud farm)and the equestrian sector that are the pride of the town and of La Manche. Stroll or cycle along the greenways by the river. There are lots of different activities for visitors to enjoy!

The tourist office can assist you in planning your travel package. Don’t hesitate to contact them!

Destination Saint-Lô

Some territories have a way of surprising their visitors, and Saint-Lô is one of them. As a prefecture town that was destroyed during World War II, it is struggling to gain recognition. Yet its bocage landscapes have lots of great activities on offer: hiking, cycling, kayaking, and many more.

Photo, © Xavier Lachenaud

Here are a few of the gems to explore in this territory:
  • The Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Saint-Lô: this museum features a reconstruction of a typical civilian apartment from the end of World War II;
  • Les Roches de Ham: this magnificent natural site is nestled among huge cliffs close to an outdoor activity centre with accommodation;
  • The Château d’Hébécrevon: accommodation, catering, a seminar room and a spa in a peaceful 16th century manor.

The story of reconstruction

The Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in Saint-Lô features a section dedicated to the town's reconstruction, highlighting the extensive damage sustained during World War II, when more than 90% of Saint-Lô was destroyed by bombings. With photos, explanations, models, videos and a reconstruction of an apartment, step into the museum and find out all about how Saint-Lô managed to rebuild and shed its post-war image as the “capital of ruins”.

Your contacts at the tourist office

Nathalie, the tourist office advisor for the territory, knows everything about the Haras National de Saint-Lô, which is emblematic of the town, as well as about other sites, including the Chapelle de la Madeleine, the Église Sainte-Croix and the Pont de la Roque.

The Saint-Lô tourist office