Mont Saint-Michel and its bay

A prestigious setting for an unforgettable visit
Photo, © Emmanuel Berthier

Internationally renowned and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Mont Saint-Michel and its bay are must-see attractions on an organised tour of La Manche.

A historical and architectural marvel, the destination offers a breathtaking panorama best seen with the changing tides. The landscape shifts to reveal a vast expanse of salt meadows at low tide or an island out at sea during the spring tides: an ever-changing vista.

Nearby, other sites off the beaten track will delight anyone who loves plants and wildlife, natural areas, crafts or delicious food! What to do at Mont Saint-Michel with groups and how to get there by coach: we tell you more about the destination.

Mont Saint-Michel abbey

Visiting the monument with a group

A UNESCO World Heritage Site

A masterpiece of architecture, this famous abbey dates back to the 8th century and has withstood the centuries. Built on the initiative of Saint-Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, it is dedicated to the Archangel Michael, who was said to have appeared there three times in 708. With 1 300 years of history, there are many fascinating stories to uncover.

In addition to its historical importance, visiting this gem reveals Gothic architecture where light and colour variations create a constantly changing atmosphere throughout the day.

Photo, © David Daguier CD50

Visiting the abbey with a group

Over 20 areas illustrate both the monastic life of the past, such as the refectory and cloister, and the religious life of today, including the abbey church, chapels, crypts and pilgrim reception areas. These spaces all reflect the abbey's different functions: a place of worship, an old prison and a centre for copying manuscripts. On this tour, visitors are treated to a panoramic view of the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

The abbey offers several types of tours for groups: self-guided, guided, private, conference tours, or with a tablet.

The abbey differently

Throughout the year, different events are held at Mont Saint Michel: night shows, thematic tours, storytelling walks, concerts, exhibitions and more. These events are open to individuals and groups and can be easily included in a sightseeing tour.

The abbey offers lots of different visits and events. Booking is required through the abbey's ticket office, which belongs to the “Centre des Monuments Nationaux”.

Mont Saint-Michel abbey

The medieval village of Mont Saint-Michel

Explore, wander and enjoy the site with a group

The ramparts and streets of Mont Saint-Michel

To understand the history of this iconic site, official guides accompany adult and school groups. For two hours, visitors explore the ramparts and medieval streets lined with picturesque houses, then head to the abbey. This guided tour gives visitors a glimpse of the place as it was in distant times.


Photo, © Maxime Coquard Best Jobers

The spring tides at Mont Saint-Michel

An exceptional maritime phenomenon

This destination is the perfect spot to observe the largest tides in Europe. The difference between high and low tide can be as much as 15 metres during spring tides. This phenomenon is caused by the action of the moon and the sun, which create movement in our oceans. Spring tides occur when the tidal coefficient is more than 90, and provide a stunning display, with ever-changing landscapes.

During high coefficients, the sea retreats up to 15 km from the shore and then comes in again very quickly. This is when the “mascaret” tidal bore forms: a small wave that can reach several tens of centimetres, typical of the incoming tide.

The spring tides in la Manche

Where to watch the mascaret:

In the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, the mascaret travels up the Sée, Sélune and Couesnon rivers. It can be seen from various locations, including:

  • ther pointe du Grouin du sud in Vains
  • the bridge in Marcey-les-Grèves
  • the Gué de l’Épine in Val-Saint-Père
  • the bridge in Pontaubault
  • the Roche Torin in Courtils

Crossings and outings in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel

A number of organisations offer guided outings in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel with guides certified by the prefecture.

There are options to suit all tastes and levels: one-way crossings of the bay (7 km) or round trips (14 km), loops, sunrise or sunset outings, and more. Themes include spring tides, birds, sedimentation, plants, salt meadows and polders.

The guides in the Bay

Photo, © Emmanuel Berthier
 Do not venture into the bay without a guide

The site may be stunning and unique, but it is very dangerous. It is highly unadvisable to go into the bay without a certified professional guide.

Mont Saint-Michel ans its bay

Access to Mont Saint-Michel: practical information

Please note: access to the medieval village of Mont Saint-Michel should be planned as part of a sightseeing tour.

Paid parking (flat rate) is available for coaches. This fee includes shuttle transportation to the base of Mont Saint-Michel village, which can also be reached on foot via designated paths and the footbridge.

From there, access is only pedestrian. To get to the abbey, located at the top of the medieval village, visitors need to climb 200 steps, followed by another 150 steps to visit the monument.

We recommend scheduling a visit to Mont Saint-Michel during off-peak seasons. Your clients will then be able to enjoy the site without the summer crowds.

More pratical information